do you need to TRANSLATE

London real situations


                                                   The London Underground

Simon :  Hello Mike , can you say me wich train do i need to go to the 5th station?  Please.
Mike :  Of course, you must take the train at 5:00pm.
Simon :  Thank you so much. See you later.
Mike : Ok bye

                                                          The london Street

Simon : David, can you say me where is nearest restourant?
David : Yes, you must go to right and in the corner is a Mcdonald´s
Simon : Thanks David, do you want to eat with me?
David : Of course.

              The Big Ben

Simon : Hello Daniel , How you doing?
Daniel : I am well.
Simon : Do you know how to go in that boat?
Daniel : Yes i do!  You need to pay 5 dollars in gift sote and they will  give you a ticket.
Simon : Thank you.
Daniel : ok no problem. Bye.
Simon : Bye

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