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The London Quiz

1. How often per year does the Tower Bridge lift nowadays to let ships through?
1.The bascules are raised around 1000 times a year

2. What did Madame Tussaud start in 1835?
2. Madame Tussaud was an actual person.
She was born Marie Grosholtz in Strassbourg, France on December 1, 1761. Her father got killed in the seven years war two months before she was born.
Her mother, Anne Made, took her to Berne where she moved to work as a housekeeper for Dr. Philippe Curtius (1741-1794). There she took the Swiss nationality. Curtius was a physician, and was skilled in wax modelling, which he used to illustrate anatomy. Later, he started to do portraits. Tussaud called him uncle. Curtius moved to Paris in 1765, starting work to set up a wax figure cabinet. In that year he made a waxwork of Marie Jean du Barry, Louis XV's mistress. In 1767, Tussaud and her mother joined Curtius and also moved to Paris. Curtius taught Tussaud the art of wax modelling. She started to work for him and showed a lot of talent. She created her first wax figure, of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in 1778. Other famous persons she modelled at that time include Voltaire and Benjamin Franklin.
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3. What does the word Dungeon mean?
3. strong, dark prison or cell, usually underground, as in a medieval castle.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bpcl=38625945&biw=1688&bih=734&wrapid=tlif135332957520710&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=sCuqUMOjMIP69QTm_oGQAw

4. What takes place at the Horse Guards Parade?
4.The annual Trooping of The Colour where the troops are presented to The Queen takes place at Horse Guards Parade.

5.How many capsules does the London Eye have?
5.The London Eye have 32 capsules.

6.How much is the entrence fee to the National Gallery?
6. There is no cost to enter, just a donation box as you walk round. There may be some incurred costs if you choose to participate in any activities but that depends on what the activity is and its popularity. Hope that answered your question.

7.What's London's most famous department store?
7. The most famous is Harrods, established in 1849 as a humble grocery store, today Harrods offers everything from food to fashion, furniture to sportswear plus 20 restaurants and specialist services including dog coat fitting and piano tuning. Sights include the Egyptian Hall and the Pet Department. At night, the store is illuminated by 11,500 light bulbs.

8.What street has a long tradition as the home of printing?
8.Fleet Street, although nothing is printed there any more. The newspaper industry in the UK is still known as 'Fleet Street'.

9.What line runs through Greenwich?
9.The Prime Meridian, ie 0 degrees longitude.

10.Where's the home of the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer?10.Not Found :(

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